Utah State University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 3640 - Discrete-time Signals & Systems


Before working these problems, watch these videos:

Here are some slides on these subjects:

Note: These slides end with "assignments" pages. Ignore those problems and do the problems below.


Some Useful Identities

Here are a few identities from calculus and trigonometry.




In the following problems, let x(t)=ej2πFt and X(F)=Sx(t)dt. For each problem:

  1. S=[5,5]

  2. S=[0,10]

  3. S=[10,5][5,10]

Work out the integral in problem 3 in two ways.

(a) X(F)=105x(t)dt+510x(t)dt. In this part, use the integral expansion (1) and then simplify.

(b) X(F)=1010x(t)dt55x(t)dt. In this part, use the identity (2) to write down the answer.

Try to get your answer in part (a) to match your answer in part (b). Also explain why the difference of integrals in part (b) is equivalent to the sum of integrals in part (a).


In the following problems, let x[n]=ej2πfn and X(f)=nSx[n]. For each problem:

  1. S=[5,5] (integers between and including -5 and 5)

  2. S=[0,10]

  3. S=[10,5][5,10]

Work out the sum in problem 6 in two ways.

(a) X(f)=n=105x[n]+n=510x[n]. In this part, use the geometric series expansion in (3).

(b) X(f)=n=1010x[n]n=44x[n]. In this part, use the identity (4) to write down the answer.

Try to get your answer in part (a) to match your answer in part (b). Also explain why the difference of sums in part (b) is equivalent to the sum of sums in part (a).


Policy note 1: If an assignment asks you to do something in Matlab, then write your code in a Matlab script (.m file) and attach a copy of your code when you turn in the assignment. Apply this rule throughout the semester.

Policy note 2: Combine your work into a single PDF file and upload to Canvas.