Utah State University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 3640 - Discrete-time Signals & Systems

Notes on windowed FIR filter design.

Hints video

Some students don't have the textbook and asked me to post the problems. So here they are.

HW 8

  1. This problem explores the design a symmetric real-valued linear phase FIR bandpass filter that meets the following specifications.
Amplitude Spec.Frequency Spec.

Make a table with one row for each filter you designed (window, Kaiser, equiripple). The table should have a column for the following parameters: length, order, group delay, type (I, II, III, or IV), and window parameters.

For each filter you design, turn in plots of the impulse response, magnitude response (linear and dB), and phase response. The frequency domain plots should show response over the interval 12f12. Also include a pole-zero plot.


  1. This problem explores designing a lowpass filter with a very narrow transition band that achieves the following specifications: Ap=0.1 dB ripple in the passband (0|f|0.24) and As=60 dB suppression in the stopband (0.26|f|0.5).

Make a table with one row for each filter you designed (window, Kaiser, equiripple). The table should have a column for the following parameters: length, order, group delay, type (I, II, III, or IV), and window parameters.

For each filter you design, turn in plots of the impulse response, magnitude response (linear and dB), and phase response. The frequency domain plots should show response over the interval 12f12. Also include a pole-zero plot.


  1. This problem explores designing a lowpass filter for sample rate conversion using the system depicted in Fig. 6.47 (c) in the textbook (page 379) in which the upsampling factor is U=3 and the downsampling factor is D=4. The maximum frequency in the signal x[n] is fmax,x=13. Design the lowpass filter to have Ap=0.1 dB of ripple in the pass band and As=60 dB of attenuation in the stopband. Use your knowledge of upsampling and downsampling to determine the passband and stopband edge frequencies, fp and fs. What are fp and fs?

Make a table with one row for each filter you designed (window, Kaiser, equiripple). The table should have a column for the following parameters: length, order, group delay, type (I, II, III, or IV), and window parameters.

For each filter you design, turn in plots of the impulse response, magnitude response (linear and dB), and phase response. The frequency domain plots should show response over the interval 12f12. Also include a pole-zero plot.


  1. Suppose you would like to boost by a factor of 4 the low frequencies of an audio signal between the range of 0|F|150 Hz and leave the scale of frequencies above 300 Hz unchanged. This type of filter has two passbands and no stopband. It is called a shelving filter. The transition band extends from 150 Hz to 300 Hz. You plan to perform this processing using the system depicted in Fig. 6.1 of the textbook (page 331) using a sample rate of 1T=Fs=20k samples/second. Convert this information to a specification for a discrete-time filter and design a linear phase filter to meet this spec. Require your filter to limit deviations from the desired response to δ=0.01 in both pass bands.

Make a table with one row for each filter you designed (window, Kaiser, equiripple). The table should have a column for the following parameters: length, order, group delay, type (I, II, III, or IV), and window parameters.

For each filter you design, turn in plots of the impulse response, magnitude response (linear and dB), and phase response. The frequency domain plots should show response over the interval 12f12. Also include a pole-zero plot.


  1. After working the previous 4 problems, summarize your observations about the best filter design method to use if the goal is to minimize the filter length.


  1. Design a differentiator/delay filter pair to be used in FM demodulation. Let the received signal be x[n]. The FM demodulated signal is

In FM demodulation (as in many other applications), it is vital to keep signal time aligned. Note that deriv{x[n]} is the output of a derivative filter. Because the derivative filter delays the signal, the signal x[n] must also be delayed. Thus it would be more correct to express FM demodulation as


where delay{x[n]} is the output of an all pass filter having the same delay as the derivative filter.

In each case, plot the impulse response, and frequency response over 12f12.