Utah State University |
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering |
ECE 3640 - Discrete-time Signals & Systems |
Course web site
This course has two web sites:
Course overview
Mathematical preliminaries (should be review)
Discrete-time signals in the time domain (extension of continuous-time signals ideas) [Holton 1]
Discrete-time systems in the time domain (convolution, impulse response, filtering) [Holton 2]
Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) [Holton 3]
Sampling and reconstruction [Holton 6]
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [Holton 10]
Signal analysis [Holton 14]
Z-transform (ZT) [Holton 4]
System analysis and design [Holton 5, 7, 8]
Resources (link)