Dr. Jake Gunther
1986 Graduated from Warsaw Community High School, Warsaw, Indiana
Jake (left) with his good buddy Andy York (right) in the mid 1980s.

Warsaw, Indiana was built around three lakes: Center, Pike, and Winona.

1986-1987 Freshman in Accounting at BYU, Provo, Utah
1987-1989 LSD Mission in San Bernardino, California
1989 Mechanical Engineering at BYU, Provo, Utah
1990-1994 BS/MS in Electrical Engineering, BYU, Provo, Utah
1994-1995 Systems Engineer at Lockheed Martin, Manassas, Virginia
- Worked on DSP channelizer for ACeS communications satellite
- Worked on low frequency passive acoustic surveillance system using hydrophones densely distributed on the sea floor
1995-1998 PhD in Electrical Engineering, BYU, Provo, Utah
- Research on blind channel identification and equalization for digital communication systems

1998-2000 Research Engineer at Merasoft, Provo/Orem, Utah
- Home automation product. We built Alexa in 1998!
- Microphone arrays and beamforming
- Acoustic signal processing
- Speech recognition (machine learning)
- Text-to-speech synthesis
2000-present Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, USU, Logan, Utah
- Digital signal processing (ECE 3640)
- Random processes
- Independent component analysis
- Detection & estimation theory
- Communication systems I & II
- Tranceivers systems engineering
- Mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing
- Convex optimization

- Blind source separation, independent component analysis
- Echo cancellation (speaker phones), feedback cancellation (hearing aids)
- Hyperspectral image processing, spectral unmixing
- Global positioning
- Radio astronomy
- Synthetic aperture radar
- Software defined radio, DICE cubesat mission
- Human biometrics, noncontact heart rate and respiration
- Reinforcement learning
Startup companies (since 2000)
Here's the whole clan in the fall of 2017.